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Michelle's corner

Michelle Knight. Writer, photographer, programmer, truck driver and general, all round nut case. Life is a journey and that's what this blog will probably end up being. Let's see where we go, eh? ;-)

Currently reading

Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics
Dalai Lama XIV, Ian Coghlan
Progress: 23/433 pages

So what's happening?

The trials and tribulations continue. I can't see myself returning to writing until next year. Work is undergoing some major change. I survived the reorganisation, but we've got a heap of new staff coming in, and we're being moved out of our office while ours is refurbished. It's all strain and not conducive to writing.


When I do pen something, I think I'll return to the comedy book first, though. The sci-fi adventure is a little generic and run of the mill.


Brexit is having an effect on independent publishers. Processing tax on purchases is proving to be a nightmare for small publishers and I've received notification that mine won't be able to sell directly to EU countries due to the overheads. They're putting in an alternative via a service outside the UK. I'm an exclusive author so they'll do the heavy lifting for me, which is a relief. It's probably for the best right now, that I'm not doing much business or writing.


Is the UK going to come out without a deal? I wouldn't like to call it. It looks like the UK prime minister has been forced to ask the EU for an extension, but there's no guarantee that the EU will grant it. People on all sides of the argument are mostly saying, "Just get on with it," so I wouldn't like to put money on any particular outcome.


The impact on people and businesses, particularly the smaller ones, is telling; and the book industry, especially the indies, are caught up in all this. It's probably for the best that life has stopped me from writing right now.