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Michelle's corner

Michelle Knight. Writer, photographer, programmer, truck driver and general, all round nut case. Life is a journey and that's what this blog will probably end up being. Let's see where we go, eh? ;-)

Currently reading

Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics
Dalai Lama XIV, Ian Coghlan
Progress: 23/433 pages

A day of work....

I'm sat here with the editors compressed version of Genie, red marks on a good number of pages, but a significant amount escaped correction. Her version runs to a hundred pages as she compresses the font and nudges chapters together to save space and carrying load, as she does some of this on the train.


The first page is perhaps the worst of them all but, looking at it, I somehow don't have the heart to tackle it today. Relatively speaking, it's light compared to some of the others, because of the extra work I put in before hand, and the contribution of the early readers. Small numbers of people, but nonetheless persons I could count on to pick things up and not hold back in telling me their opinions.


So here I sit... Genie open in a word processor and the editors copy to my side. I guess I'll take a comfort break, have a snooze and then get down to it.